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Life’s Second Chance Foundation( first on the left) |
Wossene: I established the foundation because I was diagnosed my self in 2000 with CML leukumia which is a blood cancer. The doctors found out when I did a cheek up to have kids. I was very lucky they found out my illness at its first stage. It helped me recover fast I was lucky I was in States I survived the illness. After a year I went home to pray. In Ethiopia, cancer means a death sentence. Kids and mothers die. The doctors have been telling them that they will die and I was sad when I heard what they were telling to their patients. So I called a press release and I told them if you catch it early you won't die. Here in the United States, we have a chance to go to a doctor to get treatment in Ethiopia until to day cancer is a death sentence.
Mela: Can you talk a little bit as to how you feel when you found out you had cancer? What did you do?
Wossene: When I found out I had cancer, I didn't believe the Doctors. I was very healthy I was on tope of everything. I never had a symptom or I was never ill. Before I found out, I thought nothing to stop me from what I want to do. I went for cheek up to be pregnant when they find out. I didn’t understand or want to understand what was happening to me. I was so close to dying but I was not ready for defeat. I don’t want to know the side effects I told the doctor jus heal me.
The Doctor told me I will be in the hospital for three months and three month in out at the out patient ward. I was so active I was worried about staying in one room for three month I didn’t have any clue how serious it was. When I was admitted to the Hospital all I have was my bible and the support of my family and friends from around the world, .the telephone rug almost all day and all night. My husband comes and stays all day. My rule was no one to stay over night and not to come to Hospital before ten and all of them especially my husband to leave at 3 pm because I didn't want him to see me when I get sick. . I get usually get sick when the drug wears out. I didn’t want any thing which makes me emotional. I told my self I have to be strong I have to come out from this Hospital soon. My family and friends support was I unbelievable. I left the Hospital exactly after one month with bone marrow transplant to my house. I didn't stay at the out patient word. I was admitted January 29th 2000 and I left February 29th.
Mela: There are a lot of Ethiopians here in the United States, who have been struck by cancer and the number of cancer patients are on the rise in an alarming rate. So why didn’t you establish your foundation here instead of Ethiopia? Who are you working with in Ethiopia i.e. Hospitals, clinics?
Wossene: Yes, there are a lot of Ethiopians who are affected by cancer, but most of them they won't tell you that they have (had) cancer. And I have been trying to reach everyone. When you see them in the hospital they hide. I want them to get involve and work with me we can do so much together. It is all about giving a chance we got to others. I would love to help and give a chance to everyone. I want this organization to serve the entire world. Especially in America, I want to work every where I feel like I owe the people who gave their blood and any other tissues for the doctor to do their research to save my life .I need chapter members in all American Cities I have been looking so far I am not lucky. The Life's Second Chance Foundation is registered in USA. It is American NGO. we want to work here and in Ethiopia. The reason we are active in Ethiopia is, because of the number of people affected by cancer and the suffering. According to Tikurr Anbesa Hospital they have 150,000 thousand patients a year what they know of but they can treat only 7% of a fraction of them Kids ward has only 30 beds for cancer patients they receive 30 kids every week they have over 670 kids waiting for treatment.
These are who are able to come to hospital the actual number is unknown. They come late after it is 4th and 5th stage. They die with agony with out treatment. I have never seen kids and mothers I saw in all my trips again because they all died, because they often come after the cancer is in its 4th or 5th stage. The doctors have no medication or good cancer facility. Even if they come in the hospital, there is no chance to recover from the illness from luck of medication and treatment. A woman, with breast cancer she has to wait a year to see a doctor and a year to get treatment. by the time she gets second treatment she is no longer existing Cancer in Ethiopia is devastating. We work in collaboration with Tikurr Ambesa Hospital.
Mela: Do you have some success story that you want to share with our readers?
Wossene: Our successes are, we raised awareness in Ethiopia about cancer, and we took mammogram machine and medical supplies to hospitals. With the help of Ethiopian North America Health professionals Association Founder Dr. Ingda Asfaw we are bringing a 5 year's and half cancer patient to Detroit. We took 3.5 million worth cancer medication to Ethiopia for Tikur Anbesa Hospital.Next week we are collecting our medical book drive from St. Vincent Hospital In Los Angeles. One of our successes is getting 68 hector lands from the government and the ground breaking was on May 10th last year
Mela: What do you want people to know about the life Second Chance Foundation?
Wossene: The Life's second chance is established with the vision to build a cancer hospital in Ethiopia the hospital will be a general Hospital, with special focus on cancer. It will have training and research center. Our plan is to create partnership with American Hospitals and doctors to help us create state of the arts hospital.
Mela: Do you have any plan to expand your organization to other sates?
Wossene: Yes, we want to establish Chapters throughout the United States and we want every one who has passion for life to join us. We want to serve every one but we need volunteers and board members. Please join us you would find so many things you can be part of and you save lives in the process
Mela: What is your biggest Challenge? What can people do to help? What type of support are you looking for?
Wossene: Our biggest challenge is to get financial support and getting Ethiopians involve. We need building materials equipments and volunteers and foundation members. Please join!!!
Mela: Thank you for answering our questions.
Wossene: Thank you for interviewing me.
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