Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't Rock This Boat No More

March 2002

Don’t rock this boat no more
Please don’t rock this boat again
For we’ve drifted long in these troubled waters
Now we just can take it no more

The memories we hold are too painful to bear
But we take comfort in this new hope of peace
Though strong winds of anger threaten ugly tides
Land is in sight and we now sail in shallow waters

We’ve felt this boat rocked from time to time
We’ve felt the fear, the sorrow and pain
We may not like the ones who steer
But it’s a chance we’ve got and one we’re willing to take

So go my friends and tell all people
Tell the angry ones to hold their peace
Tell the weeping ones, we share their pain
Tell the confused ones to watch and wait
Tell them that no one must rock this boat again

Let out sailors join in and help us sail
Let our builders make ready to rebuild our land
Let our teachers get set to teach our children 
Let our doctors care for and treat our wounds

Saah Charles N’Tow, Rhode Island

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